Club Membership - Adult Hockey
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2. Club Membership - Adult Hockey

New Members
We welcome new members with open arms but we do take our responsibilities very seriously. We are driven to provide our Members with a safe, enjoyable and family friendly environment. New members are required to complete a membership form and read through the Club's Declaration Policy, which outlines our Security and Code of Conduct Policies. If you decide that we are the club for you, then you will need to complete the membership form and present a signed copy to your squad captain to process.

Existing members (Annual renewal)
Simply contact your captain or the treasurer with your money. You can also pay behind the bar in the clubhouse, or via online transfer using the below details:

Payee: Horley Cricket and Hockey Club
Account Number: 40304050
Sort Code: 20-23-97
(Please use your name in the reference box)

Annual Membership Prices 2023/24 Season
As a club we are proud that we offer an incredibly competitive annual membership fee, which allows our members a number of benefits and automatic affiliation to our Cricket and Squash sections.

  • Adult membership - £95
  • Student Membership - £35

Match Fees
As part of club membership, we must also ask for a minimal weekly match fee that goes a small way to funding our unavoidable overheads (pitch hire, equipment etc...)

  • Adult membership - £10
  • Student membership - £5


HCHC Adult Membership Form 2023
